First United Methodist Church
Serving Christ, changing lives!
Our Ministries

The Blessed Misfits
This is an evening, adult bible study group that meets every Wednesday from 6:30 PM-7:30 PM. You may join us in the South Wing of the church or via zoom if you are unable to physically attend. Contact us for more information.

Every Tuesday and Thursday, The Awakenings Coffee Shop invites members of our community to join us for FREE a coffee hour at Palmyra First UMC in the Fellowship Hall. Tuesdays we have special guests from the community meet with us to share their time with Palmyra First UMC. Please join us for coffee and fellowship!

Knit, Crochet, & Pray
You are invited to join Knit, Crochet, and Pray as we make scarves, hats, mittens, baby blankets and booties, and prayer shawls for those in need. We meet the second Sunday of each month at 2:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall.

United Women
In Faith
United Women in Faith invites any woman who would like to join with us as we express our Christian faith in acts of service to benefit others,
Through a variety of activities, we hope to let folks know that we care about them.

T.E.A.-Through the Eyes of Another
TEA welcomes readers who enjoy discussing the books they’ve read with others. The goal of TEA is to allow books to help us see the world through the eyes of those with lives very different from ours. At our monthly book discussion (held via Zoom) TEA members discuss the book we have all read the previous month.

Noah's Little Ark
NLA is a ministry of First United Methodist Church of Palmyra providing community-oriented, Christian education programs with safe, quality environments and events for children ages two through Kindergarten of families who live, work, or travel in Palmyra, PA. Visit the link:

Celebrate Recovery
Every Friday at 6:30 PM, the Palmyra First Church offers a Celebrate Recovery Program for the Palmyra Area Community. It is a 12-Step, Christ-Centered program. and is ideal for people dealing with a variety of issues ranging from grief and depression, to behavioral addictions and chemical addictions, and just about anything in between.

The Wired Word
Our Adult Sunday School Study group, 'The Wired Word," meets in the Fellowship Hall at 10:30 AM to discuss the news and events of the day from a Christian perspective. The material is based on the news of the week. The lesson is published on the Thursday for use on Sunday, so the topics are about recent events.
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